Prior to booking antenatal clinic (BGH) 020 8216 5137/5138
Following booking by community midwife contact detail s will be given
Based at Barnet General Hospital (BGH), midwives will provide shared care with the GPs before and after delivery. Once pregnancy has been confirmed by the GP, and so referral made to the antenatal clinic at BGH, an appointment for dating ultrasound scan (normally 12 – 14 weeks) will be sent.
This is followed by an appointment with midwives at approximately 14 – 16 weeks, including full antenatal check, information giving, etc. Subsequent care will be provided in accordance with the recommended NICE guidelines.

Some women will have shared care with the consultant team at BGH, others will have midwife-led care, depending on medical and obstetric history.
Following the birth of your baby and discharge home from hospital, home visits will be provided by Team 6 midwives on a needs basis, normally 10 – 14 days, when your care will be handed over to the health visitor.
Information about Meningitis B vaccinations for babies
Well Baby Clinic

A comprehensive Immunisation programme is given via appointments with the practice nurse. Developmental surveillance is provided for the under fives and postnatal and six week checks by appointment with the doctor.
The health visitors are based at the Vale Drive Clinic – Tel: 020 8447 3500 where your baby can be weighed.