Blood Pressure Clinic
Patients over 40 are recommended to have their blood pressure checked every 3 years and the Health Care Assistant can do this for you or you can check this yourself in the new self-monitoring blood pressure machine sited in the waiting room. Two readings should be taken as often the second one is lower.
If you are found to have high blood pressure you will be asked to attend monthly over the next few months to see whether or not it settles as some people are nervous and the reading can be falsely high.
If you drink excess alcohol, are overweight, add too much salt in your diet, take little exercise and smoke, you will be advised to rectify these factors as the blood pressure should then fall and medication may not be needed.
If your blood pressure is found to be consistently high you will be asked to have an ECG, chest X-ray, Urine and Blood tests to see whether the high blood pressure has caused or been caused by heart or kidney problems, and then you will be asked to see the doctor for review and given medication.
Once settled on regular medication for Hypertension (blood pressure), you will normally be reviewed by the nurse every six months with repeat blood and urine tests annually. The ECG and chest X-ray is repeated every five years.
It is important to have blood pressure under control as high blood pressure can cause strokes.
Diabetic Clinic
Whether you have recently been diagnosed, or have lived with diabetes for some time, we are here to help you develop an understanding of diabetes and gain control of your disease. Our aim is to improve your health and minimise complications of diabetes.

Patients who have recently been diagnosed with diabetes will need to see the Diabetic nurse a few times in the first few months. During this time patients and carers will be given support, information and advice about managing diabetes. This will involve some blood tests being done at the surgery.

Asthma Review
We would like to see you once a year for a full review but will see you more often if it is needed.
If you are due an asthma review then please book a Respiratory Clinic appointment with our respiratory nurse. She will ask you about how you use your inhalers, and will do a Peak Flow test to see how well your lungs are working.
If any changes are needed to be made it will be explained to you, and a management plan for your asthma will be discussed.
If you have asthma and take regular inhalers you will be invited to have a flu immunisation every year and a one off pneumonia vaccination.
COPD Review
If you have been told you have COPD then you should ideally be seen at least once a year at the surgery for an annual review of your symptoms and inhalers. You will also be invited to have a flu immunisation every year and a one off pneumonia vaccination.

If you are due a COPD review then please book a respiratory appointment with our respiratory nurse. She will ask you about how you use your inhalers, and will do a test called spirometry to see how well your lungs are working.
If any changes are needed to be made it will be explained to you, and a management plan for your COPD will be discussed.