Dr Michelle J Amos – Senior GP Partner
Gender: Female
Primary qualifications: BSc MBBS DRCOG MRCGP DFFP Dip Derm
Dr James Rusius – GP Partner
Gender: Male
Primary qualifications: BA (Hons), MA (Cantab), MBBS, MRCGP
Dr Rosalyn Adleman – GP Partner
Gender: Female
Primary qualifications: MBChB (Hons), BSc, MRCP, DGM
Dr Nufar Wetterhahn – GP Partner
Gender: Female
Primary qualifications: MBBCh
Dr Raju Raithatha – GP Partner
Gender: Male
Primary qualifications: BSc, MBBS, LMSSA, LMCC(Canada) , DRCOG
Dr Arani Ananda
Salaried GP
Dr Joshua Gaon
Salaried GP
Dr Sophie Landes
Salaried GP
Dr Emma Shaw
Salaried GP
Dr Isabella Snowden
Salaried GP
Dr Vishal Patel
Salaried GP
Dr Alexandra Sampson
Salaried GP
Dr Jennifer Gardener
Salaried GP
From time to time locum doctors are employed to cover surgeries (and occasionally visits) during doctors annual leave or study leave. These doctors are fully qualified GPs and members of the GMC. They are also officially registered on the Performer’s List for Barnet
Doctors in Training
Longrove Surgery is a training practice and doctors who have decided to embark upon a career as a General Practitioners train here. GP Registrars are doctors who are fully qualified with extensive hospital experience and are completing their post graduate training to become a GP. GP Registrars always work with the regular doctors of the practice who provide support as needed.
Doctors currently in training are:
Dr Nabil Yaqoob
GP Registrar
Dr Ali Tarfiee
GP Registrar
Nursing Team
Claire Dorrington
– Lead Nurse
Rachael Bhella
– Practice Nurse
Samantha Ogunleye
– Nurse Associate
Lee Pomfrett
– Healthcare Assistant
Birwa Ravel
– Healthcare Assistant
Our practice nurses are highly qualified registered general nurses holding Diplomas in Family Planning, Diabetes and Respiratory Disease.
Our practice offers an extensive range of healthcare services, covering everything from childhood immunisations and chronic disease management to travel vaccinations.
Nurses in Training
Longrove Surgery is a training practice and nurses who have decided to embark upon a career as a GPN (General Practice Nurse) train here. GPN’s are at the beginning of their general practice career and work with us for 1 year.
Other Healthcare Professionals
Bhavik Hirani
– Practice Based Pharmacist
Manizha Sharif
– Physicians Associate
These healthcare professionals have been trained to manage minor illnesses.
We offer same day Minor Illness appointments on Mondays to Fridays AM for the conditions.
Practice Team
Practice Management
Claire Shea
– Management Partner
Lauren Kilby
– Practice Manager
Alex Collingwood
– HR Compliance Manager and Secretarial Lead
Reception staff attend to patients on the phone and in person. They coordinate and organise appointments, manage patient queries and facilitate the smooth running of the Practice to support delivery of quality patient care. The Reception Staff have a very demanding role. They are there to assist you and we would ask you to be patient during peak times when the staff have to handle a large volume of calls and enquiries. They will ask you a small amount of personal information about your medical condition which is used to ensure your call is dealt with by the correct Clinician at the right time.
Secretaries and Admin Team
These staff assist in the day-to-day running of the Practice. Their work involves typing up letters, processing referrals, chasing information from other organisations, registering new patients, inviting patients for their routine long-term condition reviews and much more.
Other services
Primary Care Network
We are part of PCN 3. PCN3 is a group of 7 GP practices that work collaboratively to deliver services to over 75,000 patients.
Some of these services include first Contact Physiotherapy, mental health practitioners, Nutritional Counselling, and health evaluations for individuals with learning disabilities.
Barnet 3 PCN (
Sexual Health Clinic
Vale Drive Primary Care Centre offers free and confidential sexual health services, this includes contraception, PrEP and assessment & treatment of sexual health symptoms and infections.
To see the full list of services and how to book an appointment visit
Please call the single point of care team on 0203 758 2022, option 4.
Health Visitors
All children are automatically entitled to health visiting services when they are born and parents will be contacted to arrange a visit. The health visitor team includes nurses, community nursery nurses and other healthcare professionals, who work in partnership with other healthcare professionals including GP’s.
District Nurses
The district nursing teams work closely with hospitals, GPs, social services and other healthcare teams involved in our patients care. The team also work closely with physiotherapists and occupational therapists, Macmillan/Marie Curie and other specialist health care professionals to provide care to meet a wide range of health care needs. The service is available to all house bound adults 16 years and above requiring routine and urgent nursing care living or registered with a Barnet GP.